2024/25 Season Final

Latest updates at AV here: https://athsvic.resultshub.com.au/

2024/25 Region B - ANW results

Age Group Ladders

Mels Open


Female Open


Male U20


Female U20


Male U18


Female U18


Male U16


Female U16


Male U14


Female U14


Male 50-59


Female 40-49


AV Most Valuable Athletes

TOP 100

Male Open

2 Corey Richardson

9 Sam Tassone

15 David Brock

34 Laim Kernick

42 Ben Van Der Westhuizen

65 Jarrod Long

Female Open

3 Natalie Laurie

7 Talia Allen

12 Lara Richards

26 Kelly Laing

41 Mia Ward

45 Ellie Bagshaw

56 Monique Larose

70 Hannah Hodges

Male U20

64 Thomas Placella

69 Brighton Lyle

72 Liam Macdonald

83 Jordan Gilbert

Female U20

4 Cheyenne Van Ravenstein

46 Kyla Chapman

47 Elise Keeghan

Male U18

6 William Margaritis

13 Gilbert McCann

31 William Zheng

37 Jayvel Singh

42 Andrew Weerasinghe

72 Jake Olarenshaw

Female U18

7 Jaslene Ong

22 Samantha Port

34 Thea Prattley

36 Elise Huxtable

57 Holly Makaay

98 Shri Nidhi Bolisetty

Male U16

27 Syrus Ong

58 Cooper La Velle

61 Tristan Farrugia

71 Max Wright

Female U16

17 Taylah Dux

38 Maddie Tarabay

51 Alexa Schultz

52 Emma Cooke

55 Zoe Schultz

78 Teresa Huang

Male U14

62 Caleb Le Grove

67 Lachlan Cumming

Female U14

78 Teresa Huang

36 Jazel Ong

51 Lorelei Corrales

52 Samaaya Gunasekera

60 Ava Conte

Male 50-59

3 Darryl Griffiths

Female 40-44

10 Jessica Dux


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Athletics Victoria      ANW at AV

Athletics Australia

Little Athletics Nunawading

Victorian Race Walking Club

BOM: forecast    current rain pattern

Athletics Nunawading Inc.     Club code: ANW      Affiliated with Athletics Victoria
Updated 12 February 2025

timewasters ANW - updates #top

Shield: Round 1  Round 2  Round 3  Round 4  Round 5  Round 6  Round 7  Round 8  Round 9  Round 10  Round 11  Round 12  Shield Final  Zone Final        

Ladder   Claim ANW record here

AV Shield - interclub competition   (AV info here)

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